Little 8lb 5oz, bearded, capitalist baby Jeebus with an M-16
As a confirmation that both Hollywood and the Republican party have zero ideas left, Repblican officials have decided that a "purity" test be issued so that each candidate must stay true to 8 of 10 of their "goals". Of course these "goals" start with the words "we support" and end with "opposing anything that the Democrats support". It would be funny if this country wasn't built upon a 2-party system but now it's just sad. I do not blindly follow Democratic leadership but what's troubling is that their seems to be NO Republican leadership to follow. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mann Coulter? It seems like the only hope for the once conservative, astute Republican party is to get all of the wingnuts in one place and have Karl Rove go suicide bomber for the good of the party ... But I semi-digress. Let's check out the new propaganda, er, I mean "purity" oath ...
(1) We support smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and lower taxes by opposing bills like Obama's "stimulus" bill;
... but we're A-OK with bailing out banks and Wall Street like George W. Bush did. That's important stuff. So important John McCain felt the need to suspend his presidential campaign to help billionaires and millionaires pull themselves up by their bootstraps with a fresh influx of taxpayer money so they could piss it away all over again. God bless supply-side little baby Jeebus!
(2) We support market-based health care reform and oppose Obama-style government run healthcare;
Hmmm ... starting to seed a trend. We are against Obama-style run government because we are so THERE! Neener-neener-neener!
(3) We support market-based energy reforms by opposing cap and trade legislation;
What the fuck does this mean exactly? Market-based energy reforms? Really like you backed bank deregulation? Hey guys, can you please start being more environmentally conservative because we know it costs you more and you pollute the shit outta everything and drive up energy prices, but pretty please!
(4) We support workers' right to secret ballot by opposing card check;
Not even going to touch this one ...
(5) We support legal immigration and assimilation into American society by opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants;
Um ... John McCain is the CO-SPONSOR of a bill that would give amnesty to illegal immigrants. Obama hasn't touched this one with a 10-foot pole and he'd be damn well NOT to touch it.
(6) We support victory in Iraq and Afghanistan by supporting military-recommended troop surges;
Kill the brown people! USA! USA! USA! SURGE! SURGE! SURGE! Funny GWB had years of a Republican controlled Congress and Executive Branch and only manage to turn both wars into a catastrophic FUBAR ... Of course now it's the Democrats problems and they ain't cleaning up this Republican-made clusterfuck fast enough. Fuck I hate idiotic hypocrites.
(7) We support containment of Iran and North Korea, particularly effective action to eliminate their nuclear weapons threat;
Hey, here's something we can all agree on. Of course it's completely vague and has no discernible plan or even coherent thought but let's give a point to our little retard friends!
(8) We support retention of the Defense of Marriage Act;
We don't want no fags getting married. Fags are for beating, persecuting, and running for Republican office while totally hiding in the closet or nearest men's room!
(9) We support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing health care rationing and denial of health care and government funding of abortion;
We want abstinence based sex-ed because if it's good enough for Sarah Palin it's good enough for us! Also, we don't want all you fags, commies, liberals, socialists, and darkies aborting your babies so ... Hold on a tick, we may want to re-think this one!?!
(10) We support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership;
Like the restrictions that were set in the constitution of your right to bear arms? I know the NRA needs a boogeyman to fight against but give me a fucking break. All I heard was how Obama was single-handedly gonna go door-to-door and take everyone's guns. It looks to me like the same gun restrictions are still in place and the state levels are the problem not the national level. Hell, give me a Republican Illinois gubernatorial candidate that wants to introduce conceal-and-carry laws and I'll campaign for the man!
Jesus fucking christ tap dancing on a cracker ... please can the moderates start talking and the rest of you fucking morons be raptured already!?!
Labels: anything aside from propaganda would be welcome, gay Republicans, just say no to the darkies, little baby Jeebus, USA, whargarble
Who's Your Daddy has left a new comment on your post "PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE TRANSFER OF GITMO DETAINEES ...":
Sounds like all of you "Palin conservatives" are nothing more than a bunch of bed-wetting children scared of "the darkies" ... Do the rest of America a favor and shut the f up and quit painting us as COWARDLY as YOU are.
If you want to comment on my blog, then you will have to be civil about it. Calling me names and using fowl language just makes you look ignorant or stupid.
Since you don't live in Michigan, I suggest you keep your nose out of our state business. We will decide who may occupy our prison space, not some self appointed know it all who doesn't live here.
"If you want to comment on my blog, then you will have to be civil about it. Calling me names and using fowl language just makes you look ignorant or stupid."
Fowl language? Did I mention turkey dinner or something? That's actually funny .... it seems you boot-strappy conservatives love the constitution but cannot stand stuff like freedom of speech or disagreement with your extremely narrow-minded world views.
"Since you don't live in Michigan, I suggest you keep your nose out of our state business. We will decide who may occupy our prison space, not some self appointed know it all who doesn't live here. "
Well you sure told me! Wow! I mean I got told but good! So basically bed-wetting is your response to the war on terror. Good to know! I sure wish I could live in Michigan especially in a city that is so near bankruptcy they have to get a federal bailout and are so cowardly they are afraid of schackled prisoners in their own SUPERMAX PRISON.
In short ... suck my cock and go fuck yourself!
Who's Your Daddy has left a new comment on your post "'Continental Congress' unveils 'Articles of Freedo...":
You don't represent my state ... We actually voted instead of having a bunch of wingnuts draft articles of racist bigotry and ignorance.
Thank you,
Everyone with a functioning brain
Well, what can we expect from someone who lives in the most politically corrupt state of the union.
You don't have the manners to tell anyone they are narrow-minded or anything else.
Your just a self appointed lame duck who thinks that they have all the answers.
We don't need more prisoners here in Michigan to create jobs, we need our tax and spend legislators to get off the backs of our small business so they can create more jobs.
Why don't you take the GITMO prisoners since you like paying room and board on them and seem to have the money to do so.
Oh how cute you're still clinging to what Rush and Glenn Beck tell you to think!
"Well, what can we expect from someone who lives in the most politically corrupt state of the union."
Well I guess I can't argue that given our past governors. So point for Rose!
"You don't have the manners to tell anyone they are narrow-minded or anything else."
Yes, I should learn from you. Maybe I need to become a conservative who wants "less government" but wants to have the government tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. God bless the United States of Baby Jeebus!
"Your just a self appointed lame duck who thinks that they have all the answers."
And the tard level threat has been raised to weapons-grade. What in the fuck is a "self-apponted lame duck"? Is that because I used "fowl language"? I fear for Michigan's yout and education system I really do.
"We don't need more prisoners here in Michigan to create jobs, we need our tax and spend legislators to get off the backs of our small business so they can create more jobs."
Apparently your ELECTED OFFICIALS think differently. But of course you're one of those boot-strappy conservatives? Why don't you go teabag someone, that seems to be working!
"Why don't you take the GITMO prisoners since you like paying room and board on them and seem to have the money to do so."
Funny the reason your city was going to take prisoners is because they wanted the federal money. I would love to have them here in Illinois. The federal government is willing to pay for them and they are going somewhere so why not Illinois? At least we wouldn't be shiatting our pants like you cowardly "conservatives" are. Oh noes, brown people are going to rape and murder and rape our childrens!!!!
// Yes I know I said rape twice ... I hear the terr'ist mooslims really like rape!
What's a yout?
I'm sorry your honor the two YOOOOOUUTHS ...
// My Cousin Vinny FTW!!!
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